Sunday, February 4th 2024
The Tahquamenon Country Sled Dog Race, set for January 6th and 7th 2024, unfortunately had to be cancelled this year due to a lack of snow. BUT THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!! Our awesome group of sponsors, volunteers, and our hosts at Muskallonge Lake State Park are in the planning stages of a race to make up for it!! The Deer Park Dash will be a one day event at Muskallonge Lake State Park, just north of Newberry, MI. Classes are as follows:
- 10 Dog Professional Class – Approximately 28 miles
- 6 Dog Professional Class – Approximately 28 miles
- 4-6 Dog Sportsman Class – Approximately 15 miles
- 2-3 Dog Junior Class – Approximately 2 miles
$8,000 PURSE PAYOUT!!!!
- Race Bib pick-up/ Vet record check:1:00 – 3:30PM EST Saturday February 3rd at the Newberry American Legion (7964 State Highway M123, Newberry, MI 49868) YOU MUST HAVE VACCINE RECORDS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
- Mandatory Driver’s Meeting 3:30PM EST Saturday February 3rd
- VET CHECKS Sunday February 4th starting at 7:00AM
- RACE START Sunday, February 4th 9:00AM at Muskallonge Lake State Park (29881 Co Rd 407, Newberry, MI 49868)
- Awards at race site closely following the last finisher
Rules and Regulations will follow normal TCSDR rules; available here
More info will be posted here and on our Facebook page as it becomes available.